No, I have not been eaten by a grue. In fact, life here in Darkest Suburbia may finally be settling down somewhat (I can actually see most of my office floor now, which was not true for much of last...
Reviews are beginning to come in for Spirit of All the Russias, and the response to this point has been decidedly positive. From Long and Short Reviews: “The exquisitely detailed passages in this story made me feel as if I...
The day has arrived! My newest Uncial Press ebook, Spirit of All the Russias, is live. The title page calls it a “novel byte”; in practical terms, it’s a short story published in ebook format. Which means (among other things)...
Bonus thankfulness this week: I have the contract in hand for a new Uncial Press e-fiction release set for this coming March. This is a short work entirely unconnected to my other Uncial Press titles: Spirit of All the Russias...